While at Kakuma Refugee Camp we met with Windle Trust, a Kenyan Foundation that supports students across the country and helps implement Morneau Shepell Secondary School for Girls with the UNHCR.

In Kakuma and other refugee camps, girls are the first to be kept back or pulled from school to help with family chores such as collecting water and doing childcare, or to enter early marriages.

High school enrolment rates of eligible students is extremely low in Kakuma, some 2% (UNCHR, 2015). Raphael Sungu of Windle Trust told us some of the most crucial things necessary for a girls' successful education. Besides a school with adequate teachers, infrastructure and resources, there are some other key elements. In addition to these tools below, girls of course need physical and emotional support or for orphans, some kind of extended support, adequate shelter, their health and access to reproductive health services too. The evidence is clear about the positive social, economic and health impact of sending girls to school.